Tuesday, September 20, 2011

UNT GeogBlog: Stay Connected, Tell Your Story

Steve Wolverton & Murray Rice, UNT Geography

It is a fairly routine part of each of our days to hear encouraging stories about what students and alums have gotten out of their time at UNT in our Geography programs.  Often, we hear from someone in “the workplace” that the skills they learned and the enthusiasm for Geography that they generated in their time here has influenced them profoundly.  We want to chronicle these stories in a more permanent and accessible fashion, so that others can benefit from the telling.  So, we have started this blog, and we invite alumni to participate.  Whether or not you graduated with a Bachelor’s or a Master’s; if you would like to convey your anecdotes to the next generation, please send us a short essay.  These may consist of personal experiences, tips for current students, descriptions of what jobs “in the real world” entail, et cetera.

The first series of essays, such as the one by Owen Wilson-Chavez that follows this post, are those we invited.  We simply grabbed alums in the hallway (because a few of our recent undergraduate students have been accepted to our graduate program) and asked them to participate.  The goal of this blog, we said, is to link experiences across time and space (how geographic of us!), transcending the graduation barrier, providing opportunities for a growing community.

Ultimately, however, there is a more important goal of this blog.  Current students need to hear about “what can be done with a Geography degree.”  This is one more way to show them.  It may or may not be transparent that the UNT Geography Faculty is constantly working at improving the quality of the program, while simultaneously serving a growing community of majors.  But those are our goals.

Tell us about your experience.  Send us an essay on your current whereabouts, covering how UNT Geography has influenced your career.

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